Thursday, April 9, 2009

that film your supposs to be watching....

file issues...
they happen...


sorry you all have to wait longer...
very sorry....

kush is (as in hasnt yet) droping off a ww3 size part....
epic im sure...
it was just late last night i had to be at work 5 hours later...
so i passed out....

very sorry for the wait everybody...
but its comin...


Pork Fried Ryan said...

good, i have beer and smoke at the ready....


Embers said...

Midnight release?
Sounds like an epic star wars incident... wait 2 weeks outside in the cold, in front of a fire barrel, next to a tent... but in the end, it's alllllll worth it. =D


DemZilla said...

i think embers called it....

its 9:19...
it sarted processing about 5min ago...
its 20min long...

if you see this...
while waiting...
your the shit...

Pork Fried Ryan said...

guess im the shit.....or just really waiting for this mastodon

DemZilla said...

i could talk to you here or via aim...
its so silly right now waitng...

"two wild and crazy guys"...


Embers said...

good thing i'm on the west coast, and don't have to stay up all night waiting... haha