hahah awesome shit just happened...
the guy from staples techy crew called me needing my vista authenticity disc...
so i went home asap to get it...
when i got up there he had my cpu on running...
first thing that comes out of his mouth....
"i see you have a capture card, do you capture film or like video games"
now i dont bullshit anyone..
i was literally sec away from saying "yeah skate"...
but right when i got to yeah he blurted out "HALO!"
i said...
"oh yeah man...forge maps...clan battles"
"yeah man we get on all the time, but we kinda all moved to warfare"
(cause cool kids dont say "call of duty" or "cod"..its just "warfare")
shot alil shit about capture issues and our capture card set ups...
blah blah
he says...
"yeah man, i can get you back up and running real soon"
internally i say (oh nolan you mother fuckin genius)
i say to him..
"nah man you dont gotta push me around man,
im sure you got plenty back there that have been waiting longer than me"
(the original wait was 7-10 business days)
he says..
"nah man your cool, il call you back in like 2 hours"
dude just called...
machine is ready....
50% off norton...
50% off service..
1 day instead of 10....
so today il get google chrome back..
all my bookmarks...
and then start the agonizing process or reinstalling my capture card....
theres gonna be a few odd things to show up on my youtube account tonight....
this week has been nuts....
all i need now is some drugs and a tire/tube for a 650c wheel...
oh and my asus is at a friends how getting treated like a Thailand whore..
inside and out...