Saturday, June 14, 2008

"METAL GEAR 4"....our first date...

First things first. Time to install.
I dont care about installs. If it makes the gameplay better, who cares. Ten minutes isnt gonna -kill you (mgs4 = 8min). So knowing it was about to start, i reached for a camel light. BAM! screen shows up. Snakes standing there doin nothing. oh oh wait. Solid pulls out his pack and takes out a cigarette too. Now its awsome cause we both know we got time. Its also awsome cause we both rock a soft pack. But the best part is its undertone. Snake is a feind. Snake is back in the war. Snake knows that the next however many hours are gonna be intense. This is the calm befor the storm and we both know it. Snake finishes, puts his cigarette butt into a small case and it hits me. This is all about stealth. Snake was never here. GET READY.

MGS4 is beautiful. I dont think talking about graphics really justifies it. Indavisual grass particles. Which break when you crawl over them. Watching the octo came activate by itself. I could go on but you might wanna see it for yourself to really beleive the full level of awsome. Costomizable weapons. Solid eye. The tech in this game is at par with what a metal gear game should be. Befor, I thought the games lacked a certain shine of tech. Theres always been a nice tech presence but i think MGS4s presentation makes the tech shine like its supposse to. I feel like im a stealth star this time. I feel like im acually sneaking around. Im not avoiding shoilders. Im not planting traps. Im not even worried about close quarter combat. Ive been givin the freedom of choice. Fuck you, gun shot. Oh shit, sneak around that. Oh shit fuck all of that, RUN!

Ive been having a great time with metal gear 4. Personally moving my style from gunner to stealth back to "war cam". war cam is when i crawl around watching people die. Its intense.

Games to me are defined by the exsperience. MGS4 gets a 100/100. Take that metacritic.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Games to look foward to..FALLOUT 3...


I have a strange feeling that 500+ ending. Open world objectives. Power ups. Skills. Lets face it. this is probably gonna be a smash without a doubt. I loved the fallout series from way back. so i hope bethsoft puts this together with fragile care. Its the 50s. Nukes went off. Everybody lives in underground "vualts". Its up to you to leave the nest and search the land for your missing father. I cant wait.

rock the link...

Games to look foward to..SKATE 2...

SKATE 2...
holy shit right? Aparently san van has been takin over. Security is acually doin there job. So skate 2 will probably be in a new city. the wii skate-it teaser shows off movable ramps and shows of a nice wall plant. Other than that. Your guess is as good as mine.
i love skate.

Games to look foward to..DEAD ISLAND...

DEAD ISLAND. is gonna be fun. i love me some zombie action. dead rising is the best. and its nice to get "kinda the same game" with a different setting. different motives. friends systems that make the player make important choices. time orientated missions. be there or be fucked. The stuff that makes zombie movies and books have dumb thrills. oh and multi layered zombies. are we gonna get into that. check the site. its gonna be a real fun time. story be damned!

ok...formula for success.
friends system....check..
timed mission specific.......check..
2 handed melee....check...
sand box gameplay.....check...

Thrasher skate and destroy...youtubed...

I just recently said "hey! lets youtube a thrasher and see what happens". i came out with a bunch of stuff. some good. most kinda crazy. some really bad. I love channel youtube. always an hours worth to watch.

Bombo45 kills.

gta4..."three weeks later"..

Grand Theft Auto 4 is pretty impressive first off. Then after playing for multiply hours its amazing to suddenly realize that theres clearly 12 to 15 shades of color for every day. truly drop dropping to watch the physics engine move in almost any way. an orchestrated cover system and its multi layered lock-on friend performing peacfully together in a very busy street fight. And many other fantastic elements that add together to shine right when they need to. Its all very nice and a definite victory in steping up the concept of what a "game" truly can be. I kinda refuse to tell more about a game. I really think you should get this one.

my opinion...
Everythings got its goods and bads.
-where are my "toys"? I basicaly got around 200+ hours strictly out of the bmx.
-holding on to cars. yeah. like when i do it that one time. that one fucking time!
-no buying homes. Niko cant have dreams apparently.
-car/bike customization. green hornet or boss hog? take your pick.
-parachutes. who forgot to leave the shoots in the helli tours. why?
Everything else is pretty much spot on. Get past the little b.s. and i walked away with a+ game.

meh. I dont get to be the host when i want. Waiting to start sucks. voice chat really dosent work when all you hear is the people shouting the names of there countries for 20 minutes. when it does work people leave and the game flops.
i do it. but it always pisses me off. go figure.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

ea film..."rough"...

thats what i want out of my new film...
i want it to be terribly edited....
i want no formula....
i dont want it edited to a song...
i want the rawest of the raw demzilla footage smacked up against eachother...
i want it fucked up...


ea footage...

to start my rediculious amount of skate related posts...
i decided to post my current footage...
newest to oldest...


THRILLER... from DemZilla on Vimeo.

i failed the seventh grade...

i failed the seventh grade... from DemZilla on Vimeo.


sucking from DemZilla on Vimeo.

lingo tour...

Tour War 08 from Lingo Starr on Vimeo.

One down..many to come...

so i started my leap into the world of the internet....

i came to the conclusion that a blog might acually be read by someone important and maybe somthing somewhere will change because of it...isnt that everybody bloggy goal...

video game news...
im "in tune" with the video game world...i really enjoy the war that the current generation brings...its a good time to be a gamer....
so youll see alot of posts that are video game news related...

video game reviews...
gotta have friends and i jam on all the new games when they come out...
all systems...all genres...all the exspect reviews constantly...
skate/gta4/vf5/resistance/army-o-2/mario"space"/mario"go cart"/wiifit/boombox/ and many others coming soon...


i love ea's skate...
youll see alot of skate related posts...
my films...
other forum member films...